
Thanks for visiting my blog! My name’s Peter and I live in the lovely city of Olympia, Washington. I have a passion for enjoying life, the outdoors, and new experiences. I’ve always had an adventurous spirit. In my elementary school years, I’d sneak out to climb trees and explore the dark, eerie neighborhood. Freshman year, on a cold winter night I ran the distance of two marathons to the neighboring town of Centralia and back. I’ve pushed my mental and physical capabilities by running 273 laps around a track and biking 1600 solo miles from Oregon to Mexico last summer. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, my dad and I explored the magnificent landscape, which has led me to crave adventure. Now that wrapping up my senior year, I’m ready to fly out of the nest.

Once again I have an itch for adventure. In order to scratch it I’ve decided to bike 13,000 miles across the combined continental landmass of Europe and Asia. This blog will act as journal for my thoughts, ideas, and plans for my Iberia to Siberia bike trip and the many more adventures following! I’ll do my best to post once a month prior to my trip and weekly during. Feel free to email me questions, comments, or anything really at peterkesting7@gmail.com!

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